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Free Books and Magazines

Looking for free books or magazines? In this section, TheFreeSite.com offers a roundup of book freebies, magazine offers, free subscriptions, audiobooks, public domain titles, online libraries, and more. Here, we list free ebooks and books that can be read online, as well as books that can be mailed to you, for free, with no postage or shipping fees required.

Free magazine subscriptions

This site offers a directory of over 300 trade magazine subscription offers that are "free to professionals who qualify." Note: many of the offers have international availability, but most are U.S. only.

Open Library

Looking for something to read? This site offers a big roundup of over one million free ebooks, including many classic titles, that you can browse by subject or author. There's also a big roundup of ebooks (mainly 20th century titles) that you can borrow (up to five titles for two weeks each, either in-browser, or as a PDF or ePub).

Project Gutenberg

A marvelous resource that rounds up the world's free public domain books and makes them freely available as e-texts that you can download. Although you won't find the latest bestsellers here, (or any books still in copyright), you will find a treasure trove of classic books, from authors like Shakespeare, Poe, Dante, Lewis Carroll, and thousands of others.

Free Stephen King short story

Popular author Stephen King has posted a short story, "Laurie," on his Web site that is available as a free download.

"Lighting" magazine

Fill out the form to request a free copy of "Lighting" magazine, a 120-page publication that features "the latest lighting designs for every room in the home." (U.S. only).