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April Fools' Day Freebies

Every April Fools' Day, we here at TheFreeSite.com serve up a roundup of the latest April Fools' Day-related freebies, including practical joke freebies, gag programs, prank freeware, and more. Be sure to check with us regularly between now and April Fools' Day, as we'll continue to add new listings to this section.

HappyHourVirus.com computer pranks

This fun prank site lets you simulate realistic-looking but fake error messages on a computer. There are three modes: "Kernal Panic," "Broken Monitor," and "Blue Screen of Death."

April Fools' Day Egreeting Cards

This popular site offers a nice roundup of April Fools' Day egreeting cards. Categories include "April Fools' Day Jig," "Funky Fooling Monkey," "Singing Cat," "Grab the Dollar," "Kiss Prank," and more. You'll also find thousands of ecards for other holidays and special occasions.

April Fools' Day logos

Need a free April Fools' Day themed logo? Follow the instructions at this site to create a custom logo (which is free for personal and academic use).

April Fools' Day Pranks For Teachers

Are you a school teacher? This site offers a fun roundup of simple but effective April Fools' Day pranks that you can play on your students.

April Fools Worksheets

The teacher's resource site BusyTeacher.org offers a collection of 14 free worksheets about April Fools' Day, with new worksheets added regularly. Here, you'll find worksheets for all different ages and ability levels.

April Fools' Day Graphics

Claire Schaeffer's site offers a nice roundup of the Web's top April Fools' Day-themed graphics sites. Free images here include joke animations, fun matching sets, humorous Windows splash screens and more. All sites are rated and reviewed.