• Free Stuff

    Freebie Directory offers lots of free family items.

  • Free texting

    This site offers a free text messaging service.


Free Page Enhancements

In this section, TheFreeSite.com takes a look at the various free services, online tools and enhancements that are available for Web sites. Webmaster freebies that are reviewed here range from online CGI hosting to free message boards to free interactive content for your site. We also take a look at free services that can optimize the coding of your pages, as well as help you promote your Web site.

LetsGrin.com joke widget

Want to add a fun touch to your Web site or blog? This free widget lets you display a daily clean joke on your pages every day. No signup is required---all you need to do is copy and paste a snippet of code onto your page and your visitors will see a new joke daily.


At this site, you can get a free "Yellbox" chat window for your site that lets you get instant feedback from your visitors. YellBox is easy to set up and the service is customizable. Features include smiley faces, a swear filter, a ban IP address feature, and more.


This site offers a free customizable pregnancy countdown calendar, suitable for use either on Web site or on a forum posting. DaysToGo.com automatically counts down the days until your due date and displays how many weeks pregnant you are.


With this helpful free service, you can easily add a local search engine to your Web site, thus making it far more appealing and useful to your visitors. You can add search capabilities to your site, without CGIs or server modifications. Visitors to your site will see a search entry form that looks like part of your site, because it can be customized with your own background and logo.